October 3, 2012

This shirt is very special to me.  A friend of mine, who is a Brain Tumor survivor, organized a team to participate in this year's National Brain Tumor Society Walk.  She asked me to make some bandanas for her and her team and also this shirt.  I was thrilled to be asked and thrilled to have a small part in supporting her on her special day.  Love her!

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month a friend of mine asked me to make these shirts for Liberty Christian Warriors.  I am going to say it again...I LOVE glitter!  This pink glitter turned out beautiful!  LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

New Guyer High School shirt.  I love this glitter vinyl!  The wildcat looks so great in navy glitter.

This t-shirt is such a cute idea for a graduation shirt.  A friend of mine had me make these as gifts for all the graduates in her daughter's class.  They came up with the idea....so fun!

So it has been forever since I have posted but I thought I would add some of my previous work.  The shirts I am posting below I made for the Liberty Christian Cheerleaders.  All the ideas were theirs (they are SO creative) and I think they turned out sooooooo cute!  Here they are:

The last one was a pillowcase I did for the director to give as gifts to all her Varsity girls.  Love it and love them.

July 31, 2012

My daughter, Kaitlyn and her friends in percussion were told by their illustrious director that they needed some "girl hype".  Here is what they came up with!  Wondering if this is the kind of HYPE he was looking for...  I do love them.  Their last names are on the back.  So fun!  It sure pays to have a Mom who owns her own apparel decoration company.  :)
A friend of mine had me make shirts for her parents.  The whole family went to Disney to celebrate their 30th Wedding Anniversary.  What a blessing it was to be included in this little way to help two people who are such role models to those of us who have not been married that long!  Thanks, Jennifer for letting me make the shirts. It sure was fun!

June 26, 2012

Camp time is here and my daughter Jillian, niece Eva, and nephew Simon are all attending "SPORTS WORLD" at our church.  The craziness begins on day one when they find out what team they are on, the blue team or the red team.  Thankfully all three were put on the blue team.  Before camp week started I told them they could design shirts once they found out what team they were on and I would make them (it pays to have a relative with a t-shirt business).  The pictures above are what they came up with.  The front of all their shirts is the same, it is a chant they learned for their team.  And befitting the zoo theme, they all decided to choose an animal to put on the back along with their last name (this is a sports camp after all and it must be jersey-like)  What do you think?  

June 21, 2012

This "Keep Calm and Dance On" shirt is for a friend of my step-daughter, Brooke.  I had originally done the artwork for a local dance studio, Protege, as their recital shirt.  The recital shirts were white tees with neon pink ink.  This one is a cool idea, Brooke's friend wanted pink with pink glitter.  I think it turned out rather well.  I am in LOVE with these glitters....I keep saying that but I do!
Sorry to leave you hanging about that shirt for my best friend's son.....here is the gist.  I received this text "Please", then this text "Could you make this shirt" both from my best friend's son, Noah.  So, of course, I could not say No as that boy is like family (I am Aunt Heather-yes very southern).  Apparently because I am over the age of 17 I can't quite understand the humor of this shirt, but I am sure it will be quite the hit with the younger crowd as everything that boy does is golden.  :)  Hope he likes it!

June 10, 2012

Living in Lantana you know we Moms need a t-shirt for EVERYTHING so here is a t-shirt I did for a Lantana Lightning Swim Team Mom.  She loves the light-weight tee for those hot summer days and the black glitter is just sparkly enough for a Texas Mom!  I am in LOVE with glitter...it's my new bling!

My step-daughter, Madison, and her girlfriend, Megan, have been nicknamed Thing 1 and Thing 2 by their soccer coach so we thought it was only fitting that they showed up to the next practice with shirts.  The artwork and setup was done by me but the actual making of the shirts was all Madison.  I hope Megan likes them.  I think they turned out great!  My next t-shirt request has come from my best friend's son, Noah.  Stay tuned to see how they turn out!

One of my newest tees was a special request from a girlfriend.  She always makes a special shirt every year for her and her best girlfriends when they go to the Kenny Chesney concert.  This year since I started my own t-shirt business she asked me to make her shirts.  I think they turned out great!  I loved her idea of having the shirts be black and the girls choosing whether they wanted neon pink or neon blue.  As you can see from the picture they look amazing together.  What a gorgeous group of ladies!  Thanks for the business April!

June 5, 2012

Hey Blogger World!

My name is Heather Searcy and I recently started my own t-shirt business called Old Dogs New Tricks! 
My husband and I recently decided to take the leap and do the things we have always wanted to do so we quit our jobs and that was that. Then the t-shirt business was born and I must say it has its ups and downs but it has been so much fun! It has become the newest member to the family and I must say that it has been the best thing we have decided to do! So just stay tuned as we venture farther along this road and new t-shirts are born!
My husband and I are the old dogs and the t-shirts are our new tricks! Roll Tide ;)
~Heather and Brian