June 26, 2012

Camp time is here and my daughter Jillian, niece Eva, and nephew Simon are all attending "SPORTS WORLD" at our church.  The craziness begins on day one when they find out what team they are on, the blue team or the red team.  Thankfully all three were put on the blue team.  Before camp week started I told them they could design shirts once they found out what team they were on and I would make them (it pays to have a relative with a t-shirt business).  The pictures above are what they came up with.  The front of all their shirts is the same, it is a chant they learned for their team.  And befitting the zoo theme, they all decided to choose an animal to put on the back along with their last name (this is a sports camp after all and it must be jersey-like)  What do you think?  

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